Summer Updates from Buoyant
Summer is winding down despite record breaking heat across the country. We’ve kept busy this summer and are excited to share the following updates:
New Portfolio Company Spotlight: ElectroTempo
Buoyant led ElectroTempo’s seed round in July 2023. Led by Dr. Ann Xu and Patrick Finch, ElectroTempo built infrastructure planning tools for medium and heavy duty fleets to further spur EV adoption and support electrification. Read more about why we invested here.
Buoyant’s 2022 Impact Report
Buoyant published our 2022 Impact Report. This report represents the second time Buoyant has completed impact measurement across our portfolio and reflects our learnings on institutionalizing this effort as a firm. Our goal has remained to provide transparency and insight to our portfolio, which grew by the addition of 6 new companies. You can see the full report linked here.
Food Waste Research Deep Dive
With the help of Alex Reid, MBA Associate, we dug deeper into digital food waste solutions. Food waste accounts for approximately 8% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and is cited by Project Drawdown as a leading solution to climate change. What is the landscape for solutions and where can software play the biggest role? Find out in Alex’s article digging into opportunities for software across the value chain here.
What’s Next:
Buoyant is hosting our very first Investor Summit in Chicago this week
What we are reading…
America’s Farmers Are Bogged Down by Data by the WSJ
Modern Manufacturing Software is Here to Stay by Counterpart Ventures
Chicago VCs balk at Fearless Fund lawsuit by ChicagoInno
What we are listening to…
What we are watching…
Amy went live with The Wall Street Journal during the Future of Energy event on September 7th. Catch the recording of the event here.